Background Reading

CJPIP has prepared this updated, annotated bibliography to promote better understanding of the situation in Israel and Palestine and to inform actions that support a just and lasting peace.
The bibliography includes a wide range of titles published as recently as 2018. While many of the selections reflect the perspectives of CJPIP, others are important sources of information and/or represent significant differing viewpoints.

Our hope is that this bibliography proves useful to readers who seek an introduction to the issue as well as to readers who want to broaden or deepen their understanding of the topics below.
The titles have been organized into the following sections. Each section includes Suggested titles strongly recommended by CJPIP followed by Related titles for reading in greater depth and breadth.

You can click on each topic to take you directly to the relevant readings.

General Introduction and Historical Overview
Early History
Waging Peace with Justice
Waging War From al-Nakba to the Assault on Gaza
Israeli Policing, Arms, and Security Complex
Living under Occupation and Blockade
Palestinian Governance and Resistance
Refugees and Settlers
American Involvement and Foreign Policy
Stories of Actors and Observers Biography, Memoir, and Reporting
Christian and Jewish Involvement
Critical Jewish Views
Holocaust-Israel Connections
Palestine Imagined Fiction and Poetry