What We Believe

The Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine is a diverse, community-based group dedicated to organizing activities and educational events that advance the cause of peace and justice for both Palestinians and Israelis.


  • Equal rights and access to resources for all inhabitants of the region, based on principles of social, economic, environmental, and political justice.

  • Peace and justice activities in Israel, Palestine, and the U.S.

  • An end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, in accordance with international law and U.N. resolutions.

  • An end to U.S. policies that sustain the occupation.

  • International support for an equitable and just negotiation process.

  • A resolution to the Palestinian refugee issue in accordance with international law and human rights principles.

  • An end to all forms of terror: state, organizational, and individual.

  • The Palestinian Civil Society call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights.